20-Something, Travel Blog, Travel Diary, Travelogue, Uncategorized

(Sad) Hilarity ensues

Tonight, I not only had the pleasure of spending time with my new friend Victor, but also with Freddie and Lucy.  Poor little Freddie!  He is so obviously an alcoholic.  He’s quite a spectacle — sad and hysterical.  Saying and doing the most absurd things.  Like, for example, when he started proposing to Lucy and I!  It became a sort of game.  When one of us would politely decline, he would turn to the other and try again, and it was going back and forth for a bit, until he finally just stopped asking.  He talked about his horse, the film star.

Sitting nearby, wise old Margaret knew well enough to grab her walking cane and her lager and leave the room so she could drink in peace.  I seriously thought I’d pee myself during these various moments of hilarity.  Oh, how I wish I’d had a camera so I could film this whole episode.  But… The very sad part is, Victor told me Freddie would most certainly be sleeping in the hedges tonight.  Not metaphorical hedges.  Actual hedges.  Victor has known Freddie for more than 35 years!  I could see the sadness in his eyes as he talked about watching a friend’s decline into addiction.  A true shame.


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